Orden the Silver Knight

The name of Orden seemed to have passed down throughout the generations of Naltha. There was once a man known to have fought for the Elves during the 'Song of Destruction', another was a war-hero who battled in the war of 'Drummond' and soon forgotten. Another was one of Six that founded the famous force known as the 'Red Battalion' and fell when the entire group was betrayed and destroyed. There is the one that we know of today as the Silver Knight, who travels to help those in need and maintaining the balance.
Confused yet? Keep reading..

Yet none truly know that all of these Ordens are one and the same, despite the change in both his appearance and personality. A being of pure mystery and yet not harmful to those around him. He maintains much secrets as well as a very estranged past.



Be aware that there are spoilers for Orden beyond this point:

I) Birth
 Orden is one of the Seven Homunculus who was created by the great Alchemist, one of the greatest villains of Naltha and the culprit behind 'the Song of Destruction', but Orden was not one of the five that was amongst the song itself.

He is the Second of the Seven, and if you are able to see his Homunculus Mark, you will see the 'II' marked at the center.  When the first Homunculus escaped the hands of the Alchemist, the man became enthralled with anger for her, and wished to hunt her down.  He sent his best Golems and Chimera, but the Golems proved to be far too slow and the Chimera could only track her but could not overpower her.  So thus, the Alchemist believed he should do an act of God once more....and create another Homunculus.  Knowing full well this one will not be as perfect as his first creation, he did make sure that he pushed the elements meant to create the second to have abilities that would counteract Cheron's power...

...What he did not know was that one of the elements was corrupted...Cheron left a parting gift as she went, hoping that seeing the creation become a monstrousity would end the Alchemists bid for playing God.  In barely a day, he created the second of his Homunculus, though disappointed by the fact that this creature was not Omnipotent at all, but  did seem to hold enough memories to be a suitable servant....

....Then the creature managed to grow, and become a full-fledged being...but to the Alchemist's horror, there were far too many flaws with this Homunculus.  This creature could hardly change forms like the first...it's first form was that of a human but could barely change back an forth as easily as the first.  The next?  It was horribly disfigured, carrying body parts of male and female...the body of a Hermaphrodite.  It believed it to be Male, and tried its best to maintain a masculine body..but it couldn't....the Homunculus was considered a failure.

....except for the fact that the Alchemist's plan worked.  The creature had the ability to see through illusions, and even could stop magic that the Alchemist threw at him....as long as this Homunculus could face against another, bearing his blood, then this Homunculus can stop the illusions and magic that's coming to him.  The Alchemist branished the creature Armor, boiled leather hardened to take a steel sword and a shield and 'black spear' to use against Cheron.  He had hoped to have the creature hunt down the chaotic creature Cheron.....and named him Orden due to the fact that he was everything opposite of Cheron.

Many weeks later, the Alchemist believed the creature had failed.

II) the Red Battalion
Though the truth of the the matter was that Orden carried out several missions that the Alchemist tasked to him. Soon enough, Orden started to realize the underlying dread of what his Master wanted of him beyond catching his own sister, and upon his mission to find his sister Cheron, he instead disappeared from his Master's sight, making it two Homunculus who have escaped him.

Years later, the 'Song of Destruction' began, and Cheron, who by this point knew of him, told him to go to the Elven city of Aulou and defend it against.....his brothers! Orden came to the aid of the Elves and helped them fight the Orcs and Humans, but still failed when the 'Song of Destruction' commenced. He survived, one of the very few who did. He did not need water, so thus unlike many of the people, he survived the desert and wandered the northern world of Naltha, watching as the world started to regrow.

His travels turned to South, though ironically he ended up getting hustled into a group of warrior/adventurers of men who follow no banner. These men were tough and powerful, and they often made him laugh. When trouble erupted in the city of Stonmarsh, the seven and he fought back, quickly defeating the enemy ranks. When the leader of their enemy put a reward for each of their heads, the seven and he banded together to form the 'Red Battalion' or 'Reds' for short. It seemed that their band of brothers gave way to others coming into the fold. Soon the little gang actually became a Battalion....and it became Orden's home for a great number of years.

Generations past, and Orden himself pretended that he was half-elf to drop any suspicions of his unnatural form. The original seven founders departed, some left their sons and daughters behind, others left to retire from such a group. The Reds soon were more of a large gang than a battalion, and were known for a number of criminal acts, yet the people loved the 'Reds' as Orden and a few others maintained a 'white knight' appearance. Yet even Orden was troubled, the plague of memories of the fact that he could not rescue the Elves in Aulou, nor could he do his 'job' as the Alchemists' hand. Death also overcame him, and he started to doubt the world around him.

Nobody, not even Orden saw the traitor amongst the Reds, until it was far too late. The traitor was a scout for the Knights of the Silver Crown, the men who defended the Kingdom of Harrowhal. The King of Harrowhal believed that the Red Battalion was far too strong to not be lead by a lord or noble. The Knights of the Silver Crown attacked the Red Battlion's HQ when their guard was at their lowest, and their spy killed many of the commanding officers while they were asleep. When Orden came to fight the man, the spy shot him dead with several crossbow bolts.

They never found the body...mostly because he got up a few moments later and disappeared in the chaos...

III) A New Life
Seeing as he could not die to the bolts on his chest...the people he knew still suspicious of his origins, the fact that he could not save a single one of his friends decayed his mind and made him truly feel like a beast...
...so why not become that beast? He truly thought this...and as he did this..he transformed himself into something that his body could at least accept...he turned himself into a monster....
A Satyr, to be procise, one with white/gray fur all over his body. He rebuilt his leather armor to compensate for his change, and also took the armor from one of his closest friends, a black onyx colored armor that he placed overtop of it. With his new appearance he knew only one thing he wanted...Revenge. He hunted down the Spy, who became a lord because of his 'bravery', and slew him when he was unguarded. No witnesses saw the attack, and believed it was an enemy of the spy.
But still, guilt claimed him. He did so much over so many years, yet he could not help a soul...it continued to plague him even as he drove himself back to the North, unsure of where he would take his unnatural state....
...it seemed fate wanted his wounds to heal....that or his beloved Sister Cheron. One of her followers, named Kao, came to him, and offered him a gift that would mend his eternal wounds....she made him forget...all of it. From his creation, to his few successes and great failures....and even he forgot he was a Homunculus.
When he opened his eyes once more, Kao pretended that she was helping him..suggesting that he was found somewhere in the cold..and that she had no idea who he was. Orden believed her, and let her heal him for a few days before he would go off adventuring again...

Upon a small town called Marrow's Mill, he watched as an Ogre attacked the town and tried to gobble up the people inside. Instinct took over and Orden arrived in the city, and defeated the beast. Though his form looked monstrous itself, people thanked him for taking down the Ogre. Orden soon saw his lot in life...he needed to help...
...and to this day, he still fights to help the people that need it.


In the beginning in his life, he was very quiet and stoic...mostly due to his...body....so in truth he was a very shy person and tended to pretend to be a very stoic man. When you became his friend, he opened up a little, and even spoke to you in a friendly way..though still didn't talk often due to the fact that....he wasn't quite sure exactly what he'd like to talk about....

When he....got his new life..he soon became friendlier, often liked talking to people, and was quick to make friends. In fact, he is known to often find an old friend wherever he goes, and has been known to always have a companion on his adventures.


Stats:  (Average being 13)
Aliases:Silver Knight
Height:6'1Magic: (12)
Weight:240Cunning: (17)
Hair Color:SilverConstitution: (23)


Light-Transformation - Though he can't really transform all that well, he can at least transform into different races, even into a beast that he himself designed (one of the most known his his change to a Satyr-like beast)

Hyper-Healing - Like all Homunculus, Orden can heal quickly from an attack, as long as he has enough Spirit Energy. When he doesn't have enough energy, he'll remained wounded until his body gets the right amount of Spirit Energy.

True-Sight - Orden has the ability to see through a number of spells and curses, which gives him the opportunity to see through Illusions and Traps. He can even see invisible beasts if they try to attack him.

Power-Drain - Against the other Homunculus, Orden has the ability to negate some of the Homunculus' special abilities, and even snuff out all illusions and even some Homunculus magic. As long as the Homunculus carry the same blood as the Alchemist, this power works.

What Celehyanda appears like.

Shadow Spear - The original weapon that he was given by the Alchemist. It is often his first weapon that he will use and will only drop it when he truly has to.

Silver Shield - Another original tool that the Alchemist gave to him. It is strong enough to protect him against Dragon fire, and can even use it as a weapon itself since it's rather heavy.

Celehyanda - A weapon given to him by an elf friend many, many years later. When people first see it, it looks to be a standard dagger, but when Orden wills it, it will become a very large, longsword, capable to tearing an Ogre in half.


Kaine from Nier

Orden was created for a number of reasons. The first was the fact that I wanted to create something..that had an issue with their body. One of the few characters I did remember of was a hermaphroditic character by the name of Kaine, a warrior woman to whom the more information that I got about her, the more I realized that I wanted Orden to be suffering from something similar. It was a combination of that as well as a NSFW picture that was on e621.net, a 'furry'-based picture search engine which showed a thickly built hermaphrodite in an average standing shot.
Found in e621.net

Originally as I was slowly starting up this blogspot, I was going to leave Orden out of the series...but when I met with my friend: a male that recently became a female, my inspiration made me put Orden as an NPC Hero as a Hermaphrodite. Unlike my friend, who said that she is a woman in a man's body, Orden is a man trapped in a 'womans' body. His quest, just like my friend, is to try to fix himself to be the person that he feels he should be. Even without his memories, he believes firmly that he should find a way to heal himself, even though he's not sure how.

Concept Art:

Yes, Orden looks very Feminine

Strike a Sexy pose!